The start of a new year can bring immense pressure to set goals, make resolutions, and dive into productivity. But for many of us, this "new year, new you" energy can feel overwhelming—like pushing against the natural urge to hibernate and reflect during winter's quiet embrace. It sure did to me.
Instead of striving for constant action, and feeling bad about ourselves when we don't succeed at it, we can turn to the wisdom of our natural cycles.
Your body, through the ebb and flow of hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and
testosterone, guides you through four distinct phases: follicular - menstrual (bleeding), follicular – non-bleeding, ovulatory, and luteal.
Just like the seasons, each phase brings its own energy, needs, and opportunities that you can apply to your personal and professional life.
For those without a menstrual cycle—whether due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, anovulatory cycles or menopause – or simply you are born a male —the moon's phases offer a powerful alternative framework. Pick what suits you.
Learning to live in sync with your cycle allows you to:
Harness high-energy moments for creativity and productivity.
Honor rest during quieter phases without guilt.
Adapt your nutrition, exercise, and activities to suit your body's rhythm.
Pro Tip:
📅 Schedule these phases in your (work) calendar so you can better plan social and work engagements. The moon phases are downloadable on google calendar.
Have some fun with this and let your family know in which cycle phase you are (calendar on the fridge door?), so they can plan when to ask what from you :-)
See the full descriptions of each phase below including what you might be feeling physically and emotionally, what foods to enjoy & avoid, work & lifestyle suggestions, exercise and even sex!
Menstrual Phase (Winter) / Moon Phase: New Moon
Themes: Rest, Reflection, Intuition
Duration: 3–7 days (Day 1 to the last day of your period)
Both oestrogen and progesterone are at their lowest.
How to align to this phase...
What you may be feeling....
Physically: Fatigue, cramps, bloating, headaches, backaches, food cravings or lack of appetite.
Emotionally: Relief, introspection, desire for course correction, heightened intuition. Like the dark moon, you’re invited to listen deeply and plant new intentions.
Lifestyle & Work: 📔
Rest and slow down; avoid high-pressure tasks. Can you work from home?
Can you plan less appointments – socially and work wise?
Journal to process emotions and insights.
Reflect and plan – set your intentions for the following month.
Delay major decisions or launches in this phase.
Trust your gut feeling!
Food: 🍲
Focus on nutrient-dense, warming foods (soups, stews, porridge, bone broth).
Include iron- and zinc-rich seafood and sea vegetables.
Drink strong ginger tea, hibiscus or raspberry leave tea to relieve any cramps .
Avoid stimulating and “heating” drinks such as alcohol and coffee.
Avoid sugar, sour foods like yoghurt, tomatoes, cheese, fermented foods, bread with yeast, pasta and very hot spices such as cayenne, chili.
Exercise: 🧘♀️
Rest is key. Gentle activities like restorative yoga or walking. Couch time is good too!
Sex: 💜
You may want the body do its cleansing undisturbed, but if you do have sex be mindful that due to the higher pH because of menstrual blood coupled with estrogen may dispose you to vaginal infections.
Follicular Phase (Spring 🌱) / Moon Phase: Waxing Moon
Themes: Renewal, Creativity, New Beginnings
Duration: 7–10 days (End of period to day before ovulation)
How to align to this phase…
What you may be feeling...
Physically: Increased energy by estrogen and testosterone boost, cervical fluid starts to become more wet.
Emotionally: Optimism, creativity, boldness, desire for social interaction.
Lifestyle & Work:
This rising energy is a great time to start new projects, brainstorm, and tackle challenging tasks.
Go for it and network, attend events, and schedule social activities.
Light, fresh meals with vibrant sauteed veggies like carrots, beats, leafy greens.
Lean proteins like chicken, and healthy fats like ghee and olive oil.
Include fermented foods to support gut health like kimchi, a glass of kefir after lunch.
Try new workouts and challenge yourself!
Increase intensity as energy builds.
Best time for trying new things as you are feeling more adventerous but don’t forget sufficient lubrication as still slightly drier.
Ovulatory Phase (Summer 🌸) / Moon Phase: Full Moon
Themes: Fertility, Energy, Confidence
Duration: 3–5 days (1-2 days before ovulation and few days after)
How to align to this phase...
What you may be feeling…
Physically: As the estrogen is at its peak so is your energy! Like the full moon, your skin is glowing, you feel attractive. Your cervical fluid becomes stretchy and egg-white-like.
Emotionally: Motivation, heightened communication skills, strong sense of self. You know you got this! If there is any time to speak up, it is now.
Lifestyle & Work: 🎓
Check-in with the intentions you set at the start of new moon / menstruation – in this phase things may start manifesting and come to fruition. Energy is at its strongest.
Schedule important meetings, presentations, or launches.
Schedule public speaking engagements.
Engage in social or romantic activities; try something new.
· Ask for that promotion! Go for that new job interview!
Foods: 🥗
Fuel ovulation with carbs (sweet potatoes, rice, strachy vegetables and quinoa) and fatty fish like salmon and sardines.
Get plenty of vegetables and low-sugar fruits like berries and apples.
Enjoy a heartier breakfast with eggs, sweet potato, veggies and avocado
Exercise: 🏋️
You are at your strongest, go for it!
High-impact workouts, group activities, dancing or weightlifting – you name it!
You are naturally lubricated and your sex drive is normally the highest.
Less foreplay maybe needed, have quickies!
Luteal Phase (Autumn 🍂 ) / Moon Phase: Waning Moon
Themes: Sensitivity, Self-Care, Attention to Detail
Duration: 11–17 days (Post-ovulation to day before period)
How to align to this phase
You may be feeling…
Physically: As the estrogen is declining, and progesteron rising you may feel your energy levels declining especially in the second half of this phase. You may feel bloating, mood swings, and PMS symptoms in late luteal phase.
Emotionally: Shifting inward, irritability, desire for comfort and quiet.
Lifestyle & Work:
This is a great time to organize your life— bookkeeping, decluttering, or tackling small tasks that bring a sense of accomplishment.
Nest at home, enjoy self-care, and reflect on personal and professional progress.
Enjoy a massage, go for a sauna day.
Stabilize mood with protein, healthy fats, and fiber and complex carbs to support your mood in this phase, think roasted veggies like sweet potatoes, carrots (all colors), beets, parsnips, turnips and onions.
Add dark chocolate – in moderation - and sunflower or sesame seeds tosupport progesterone.
· Avoid stimulating and “heating” drinks such as alcohol and coffee.
· Avoid sugar, sour foods like yoghurt, tomatoes, cheese, fermented foods, bread with yeast, pasta and very hot spices such as cayenne, chili.
Early luteal: Maintain moderate activity.
Late luteal: Transition to gentle yoga, walking, or light resistance training.
· You may feel sensitive to touch and may preferring kissing and cuddling
Ready to reclaim your energy and align with the natural flow of your body or the moon?
I would love to hear in comments if you have already implemented these strategies and how it is working for you. Are you going to experiment with the "pro tips"?
Much love,